I am enormously proud of the latest project I engineered and recorded at Dave’s Room. Not only was it a privileged to work with the talented artists from System of a Down, but also it meant a lot to me to be involved with two such meaningful pieces of music. Both tracks, “Protect The Land” and “Genocidal Humanoidz” focus on the terrible war being fought between the Armenia and the Armenian Republic of Artsahk and the combined forces of Azerbaijan and Turkey.
Daron, Serj, Shavo, and John decided that the best way to bring attention to the plight of Armenians in Artsahk was to make music. The band has not recorded or released anything in the past 15 years, but they felt that the recent attacks by Azerbaijan and Turkey on the Republic of Artsahk (Nagorno-Karabakh), a disputed territory within the borders of Azerbaijan, needed and deserved any support they could give. I too, believe that Azerbaijan, with the help of Turkey, is attempting to eradicate Armenians in Artsahk and that the international community needs to acknowledge the independence of this region and censure both Azerbaijan and Turkey for their actions. I am proud to have recorded these two important, historic tracks at Dave’s Room.
System of a Down will be donating all royalties earned from these two songs to the Armenian Fund. Their website, https://systemofadown.com/splash/ <%22>, eloquently explains the situation in Artsakh and tells you how you can purchase the music and support individuals with crucial and desperately needed aid as well as basic supplies. Each song is available for a minimum suggested donation of $1, which will be given to the US-based charity organization Armenia Fund, which assists those in need in Artsakh and Armenia with basic survival supplies.